Sastra Basketball Team

Here guys, my best basketball team! Let me show you my team's logo
     Yep, this is our logo. Let me explain to you about this image. It is a rhino inside the ball. The rhino reflects our power, and the ball, which is actually basket ball is our game. The blue color represents sportsmanship. This basket ball club is under Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. It was formed in 2007, but then after their first triumph, the team was not active for a year because there is no any place to practice. Then in the 2008, this team rose. Their first move is getting a comfort place to practice. They found out in Bhineka Court, but we needed to pay 150.000 rupiahs each month. It did not run long.
     This condition become worst because the UKM (University Extracurricular) did not give us time schedule for practicing. But it was not the end of our practice. We tried to send a letter to the university that we want a time schedule for our team and they accepted our request. But it was no longer. The UKM did not want us to practice in that court. So then, we made another way to get a place to practice. There was a tennis court in the university. We asked to the university to make that court to be tennis court and basket ball court since there was only few people playing tennis. The university accepted. Because of these problem, only some persons stayed in this team. There are Natal, Simon, Uya, Jerry, Richard, Yoga, Marcel, Egy, and Me. So then, we made our team organized. Natal, then, was chosen to be the captain and me as his assistant. After a year, Simon, was chosen to be the captain and me as the assistant. In the third period, Uya was chosen to be the third captain and me sill to be the assistant. Now, this team is growing larger. We have male and female team. Our first project, in 2010, we made our first event, 3 on 3 Mrican Challenge as the celebration of Dies Natalis XVIII Faculty of Letters. The event run smoothly. So, here I show you some photos of our team an our event.
Natal (#1 Captain)

Simon (#2 Captain)

Uya (#3 Captain)
     These three persons had done their job as a captain in this team very well. Now, we want to make a new event in this year. This event will be bigger event than the first. We will make cooperation with some institutions or company to support our event in sport, especially in basketball. 


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