Home Design Part #1

Coming soon February... :)

Market Open on Mondays

January 9, 2012

January 17, 2012

January 23, 2012

January 30, 2012

February 6, 2012


Monday 23, 2012 - 4 PM

In Indonesia, Forex market will open at 5 AM. Today, I try to analyze the Forex chart day by day to know what is the right time to open a new order. I will preview the chart every time I  publish a post. This is the Chart :
Thursday 19 - Monday 23 [Loss : 14 points]
Today is Monday. The green box in the image was the time when the market is open. I used some indicators to analyze the price. The first was Moving Average. I used period 5 and 10. Then, I applied Parabolic SAR. I love this indicator, because it is good to predict the next movement. Stochastic Indicator, I used it to support another indicator, which is Moving Average. I used period 10. Next indicator was RSI. This indicator also support Stochastic and Moving Average. I used the period of 10. Actually I have one more indicator, that was Bollinger Bands. This indicator to know the trend, what the trend is going on and when it will end. This indicator usually available in the platform. You do not need to make your own or spend hundreds buck just to buy an indicator. But, actually, each person has their own indicator to predict the movements. So, These indicators will help me to put the open position.
5 PM - 6.44 PM [Profit : 6.20 Points]

English Letters Sticker Design #1

This part is about design. I love design, mostly in making sticker design, editing my friends' photo, and designing house, interior and exterior (but I still learning). My first design in sticker came when my lecturer asked me to make a sticker about my department (English Letters Department). It was 4 months ago. At first I confused because this was the first time I made a sticker for someone but actually my department. I tried my best and this is my design!
Yep! Actually it is UK flag inside the text "ENGLISH LETTERS". This idea came out because I was in the English Letters Department, so I picked UK flag as the icon. Then I tried to put it inside the text, so it would be nice. In the word "I" in ENGLISH stands for Universitas Sanata Dharma. :)

The Conduct of Life

The Conduct of Life - English Letters Department - Sanata Dharma University 

December 2nd, 2011 - Societet, Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Conduct of Life, a play written by Maria Irene Fornes, described the second wave of feminism. Set in Latin America in 1985, The Conduct of Life revolved around a husband and a wife. The husband, Orlando, was a 33-year-old soldier and his wife Leticia, was ten years older. They did not live in harmony. Leticia was considered inferior and useless. Orlando, on the other hand, was very ambitious in pursuing his career. In addition, he had a strong sexual drive. Orlando kept a twelve-year-old girl in the warehouse and abused this girl as his sex slave.
Orlando underwent a series of conflicts. He was accused of murdering a suspect in an interrogation. The conflict grew complicatd as Leticia found out about the girl kept in the warehouse. As Nena, the girl that Orlando kept in the warehouse, became the member of the family, Leticia became depressed and sad. In this play, Artantya Krispradipta, as the director, gave some improvisation to the actors, so this play looked real as  in the 1985 and so entertaining.

Stephanus Edy Winarto as Orlando                      Marcella Dwinda D as Leticia

Herwidianto Suryo Yuwono as Alejo                    Christine as Olimpia

Engracia Trindade as Mona                                   Matias Aditya as Yong Dan

Anna Palute as Nena   

Artantya Krispradipta

Setting Crews
Agustinus Dhamar Priyanugraha
Diamantino N De Soares
Kleopaul Babaro
Tola Augusta Jufany


Lighting Crews
Andri Alghoni
Dedy Apriyanto Pamungkas
Jati Pradipta
Maria Puspitasari Munte
Herman Marhindi

Sounds Crews
Yoga Ghotama
Domas Dody Hananto

Make Up and Wardrobe
Dame Kristina Napitupulu
Julian Trilidanti
Monica Bendatu
Yunita Prabandari
Sthepany Helga Jatu Anindya

Linda Valentina Budiman
Dewi Widyastuti

Production Manager
Christian Victor

Hirmawan Wijanarka
Riesna Sudi Primanti

Harris Hermansyah

Adventina Putranti
B Ria Lestari
Elisa Dwi Wardani
Modesta Luluk Artika W
Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani
Tatang Iskarna
Intan Puspita Sari
Kristina Nimas Wijayanti
Sicilia Triana Dewi
Zepherina Cindy E

Ticketing and Front Desk
Caecilia Rania P
Monica Anggraeni
Pebriani Lumban Tobing
Topan Putra

Anna Fitriana
Ariata Christy Uly
Rintan K

Venue and Transportation
Maria Ananta T S
Adhika Agung P
Samuel Damartika

Fr B Alip
Abraham Aji

Hary Susanto S J
Bernadette Denty
Dionisius Sony Munarsa
Niko N Prasetya (Me)

Irina Virgiastuty Supolo
Krisentia Anita Ayu K
Michael Rigel Diaz
Paulus Noven Lando Utama
Sadana Maharja H

Medical Unit
Debby Christiany Wijaya

Sastra Basketball Team

Here guys, my best basketball team! Let me show you my team's logo
     Yep, this is our logo. Let me explain to you about this image. It is a rhino inside the ball. The rhino reflects our power, and the ball, which is actually basket ball is our game. The blue color represents sportsmanship. This basket ball club is under Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University. It was formed in 2007, but then after their first triumph, the team was not active for a year because there is no any place to practice. Then in the 2008, this team rose. Their first move is getting a comfort place to practice. They found out in Bhineka Court, but we needed to pay 150.000 rupiahs each month. It did not run long.
     This condition become worst because the UKM (University Extracurricular) did not give us time schedule for practicing. But it was not the end of our practice. We tried to send a letter to the university that we want a time schedule for our team and they accepted our request. But it was no longer. The UKM did not want us to practice in that court. So then, we made another way to get a place to practice. There was a tennis court in the university. We asked to the university to make that court to be tennis court and basket ball court since there was only few people playing tennis. The university accepted. Because of these problem, only some persons stayed in this team. There are Natal, Simon, Uya, Jerry, Richard, Yoga, Marcel, Egy, and Me. So then, we made our team organized. Natal, then, was chosen to be the captain and me as his assistant. After a year, Simon, was chosen to be the captain and me as the assistant. In the third period, Uya was chosen to be the third captain and me sill to be the assistant. Now, this team is growing larger. We have male and female team. Our first project, in 2010, we made our first event, 3 on 3 Mrican Challenge as the celebration of Dies Natalis XVIII Faculty of Letters. The event run smoothly. So, here I show you some photos of our team an our event.
Natal (#1 Captain)

Simon (#2 Captain)

Uya (#3 Captain)
     These three persons had done their job as a captain in this team very well. Now, we want to make a new event in this year. This event will be bigger event than the first. We will make cooperation with some institutions or company to support our event in sport, especially in basketball. 

#2 Buy for Demo Account

This is my second order, I bought EU yesterday (Jan 16, 2012) at 8 pm. Then, I opened my account on Jan 17, 2012 at 4 pm. Fortunately, I got points dudes! I got 9.40 in 0.01 volume. I used some indicators for my analysis. There are Moving Average, Parabolic SAR, Bolinger Bands, and RSI. I put some indicators to indicate what I will do.

Parangtritis Beach!

Hey guys, this is my next destination, Parangtritis Beach. It is located 27 km in the south of Jogjakarta. You can reach by your own vehicle or public transportation. If you use your own vehicle, you need to follow Jalan Parangtritis until you find a gate to enter the beach. You need to pay 3000 rupiahs for each person. For additional information, before the gate, there is a way to the right. This way will lead yo to Samas Beach. After entering the gate to Parangtritis Beach, for 1 or 2 kilometers you passed, there will be some ways to get near to the beach, but you better to park your vehicle if you use your own vehicle. For motorcycle, it is 3000 rupiahs, for car is 5000 rupiahs.
You will find some shops which sell foods and crafts. In the sea shore, you will notice some padicabs, ATVs, and Ganthole. You can rent for each of them. It cost among 15.000 - 35.000 rupiahs. The good time to visit Parangtritis Beach is on the afternoon. When it is twilight, you can enjoy the sun sets. Behind the Parangtritis Beach, there is an up hills.


Wanna download music free?Jazz-Rock-Ska-German-France-etc?Check!

Hello guys, have no money to buy CD of your Band? Here I wanna share some webs which provide free mp3. The first is ...

Merapi Vulcano Tour

Merapi Volcano is always interesting for me. Today, I climbed up for the second times after Merapi eruption. This time the condition on Merapi is better than the first time I saw. Weeds are now grow fertile. You can reach Merapi volcano by Jalan Kaliurang. You just go straight in that way until you find a gate. You need to buy a ticket for 3000 rupiahs for each person. Then there are many ways you can choose.

There are the way to visit Mbah Maridjan' grave, Kinahrejo village, and Kali Adem. After you bought the ticket, if you choose to go straight you will find a park area, pay 2000 rupiahs for a motorcycle and 5000 for a car. There, you can rent a car for Lava Tour, it costs 250.000 rupiahs (for max 5 persons). The guide will explain about the way you passed by. There are also trails and ATV you can rent for 25.000 rupiahs (15 minutes).
to be continued...

English Letters - USD - Class D

Guys, I had some photos of US! It took when we were in semester 1!

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